As alerts increase, the compliance team needs a way to work more efficiently to prevent outstanding tasks.

At EMQ, the compliance team vigilantly monitors daily alerts for potential financial crimes. However, the review process consumes substantial time and effort from compliance analysts, resulting in significant resource costs.
To understand the current process and pain points, I interviewed 8 compliance members.
Pain points
By synthesizing the findings, I narrowed down to three pain points that users typically struggle with:
+  Spend too much time gathering alert insights
+  Workflows are disrupted due to lack of supporting features.
+  Joggle too many apps

With a clear understanding of the pain points, I re-framed the problem statement that focuses on user frustrations and needs:
Compliance analysts need an insightful and streamlined process to enhance investigation productivity
User flow
A typical investigation flow consists of 5 phases. Most users encounter their frustrations during the Learn, Gather insights, and Analyze phases.
Through collaborating with analysts, we were able to identify the crucial insights that empower analysts to make sensible and analytical decisions during the investigations.
Design process
I crafted a lo-fi proof-of-concept to test with analysts early for feedback. Analysts found the newly added insights valuable and the data groupings intuitive and easy-to-process.​​​​​​​
The analysts did provide a few concerns:
1. The top information is clear and easily readable. However, subjects' backgrounds and profiles should be the most important information.
2. The transaction table provides useful insights, but how can we uncover even more valuable insights beneath the surface?

With rounds of iterations, the final wireframe provides analysts with simple and clear insights using intuitive UI patterns.
High-fidelity design 
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